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Core Javascript coding test

// call , apply, bind
//1. How to use bind() feature in javascript with example
let button = function(content) {
this.content = content;
}; = function() {
console.log(`${this.content} clicked `);

let newbtn = new button('add');

let boundclick =;

//2. bind() using async funs
let myobj = {
asyncGet(cb) {
parse() {
console.log('parse called');
render() {
this.asyncGet(function() {

// ----------------------------JS Coding Test------------------------------------
//1. What does the following statement declares?
var myArray = [
// A. 3 dimension array

//2.Question: What value is returned from the above statement?
var test = "i'm a lasagna hog".split("").reverse().join("");
//Answer: "goh angasal a m'i"

//3. What is returned ? 
(function(x) {
delete x;
return x;

//4. Question: What is the outcome of the two alerts above?
var foo = "Hello";
(function() {
var bar = " World";
alert(foo + bar);
alert(foo + bar);
// Answer: "Hello World" & ReferenceError: bar is not defined

//5. What is the value of foo.length?
var ninja = {}; = 'hello';
// Answer: undefined

//6. what is the value of "x"?
var y = 1,
x = y = typeof x;

//7.Consider the two functions below. Will they both return the same thing? Why or why not?
function foo1() {
return {
bar: "hello"

function foo2() {
return {
bar: "hello"

//8. Will JavaScript function allow arbitrary number of arguments? Print console by reading arguments.
sum(2, 3);
sum(1, 2, 3, 4);
function sum() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {

//9. what is the printed in ES5?
function calculateTotalAmount(vip) {
var amount = 0
if (vip) {
var amount = 1
} { // more crazy blocks!
var amount = 100 {
var amount = 1000
return amount


//10. Using ES6, refactor this code to perform Parallel tasks(without error handling)?
//sequential tasks (without error handling)
function getTotalFileSize(file1, file2, fil3, callback) {
let total = 0;
stat(file1(error, info) => {
total += info.size;
stat(file2(error, info) => {
total += info.size;
stat(file3(error, info) => {
total += info.size;

//11. Does this code work?
function hello(track) {
if (track === 'skill') {
action = 'dance';
} else {
action = 'skip';
var action;

return action;

//12. Explain why the following doesn't work as an IIFE: Immediately invoked function expression. will there be any error in the code?
function foo(){
// your logic here

// Ans: functions as expressions vs definitions.
// To fix this bug, write like:
( function foo() {}) ();


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