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Showing posts from March, 2010

EXTJS Component Life cycle

EXTJS Component Life Cycle Component life cycle will become quite helpful. Following are the most important stages in the life cycle of every class based on Component: 1. Initialization: The config object is applied Classes that extend Component do not need to (and usually should not) provide a separate constructor. Component's constructor will not only apply any config passed into its subclasses, it also provides all of the following steps. The base Component events are created These are events that can be fired by any Component, and they are enable, disable, beforeshow, show, beforehide, hide, beforerender, render, beforedestroy, destroy (see the Component API docs for complete details). The component is registered in ComponentMgr As such it will always be available via Ext.getCmp. The initComponent method is called This is the most important initialization step for subclasses, as this is a template method intended to be implemented by ea