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Showing posts from September, 2016

Console.log How to turn on/off console in development

How to turn-off Console logs? Traditional browsers doesn't support console object. This is one way to turn off console logs for your web application. How to switch off console object in Production? Call this util method when Ext application is ready. i,e inside init() or Launch() of class Example: init: function(app) { handleConsoleFn(false, false); } /* * Call once at begining to ensure your app can safely call console.log() * and console.dir(),even on legacy browsers that don't support it.You may not get useful logging on those browsers, * but at least you won't generate errors. * @params alertFallback if 'true', all logs becomes alerts in Legacy browsers like IE, if necessary (keep 'false' in production) * @params debugModeON if 'true', console object will be enabled, (keep 'false' in production) */ handleConsoleFn: function(alertFallback, debugModeON) { var me = this; if (typeof console ===