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Extjs Common Interview Answers

1.Why we need javascript Library? Javascript is an awesome language. It’s super flexible.Browsers are the modern UI paradigm. The javascript Libraries now must provide a rich set of UI Widgets. javascript libraries: * JQuery * Qooxdoo * Dojo * Prototype.js * mootools * extjs 2. Why did you choose Ext JS? The overall design of extjs is exemplary.One can learn a lot from it’s unified architecture – no matter which language one is programming in. Extjs requires you to start with one of their base classes – ensuring a consitent model. Consistency is extremely important for the library to be reusable. a.Extjs documentation seems to be very comprehensive and well maintained. b.key aspect of the EXTJS Library is the cross-browser support. c.Build rich Internet applications with Ext JS d. Ext JS framework is the multitude of rich UI elements provided. These elements include forms, dialog boxes, tabs, trees, and grids. e.The Ext JS framework includes support for Ajax implementations. f.Ext J

EXTJS Component Life cycle

EXTJS Component Life Cycle Component life cycle will become quite helpful. Following are the most important stages in the life cycle of every class based on Component: 1. Initialization: The config object is applied Classes that extend Component do not need to (and usually should not) provide a separate constructor. Component's constructor will not only apply any config passed into its subclasses, it also provides all of the following steps. The base Component events are created These are events that can be fired by any Component, and they are enable, disable, beforeshow, show, beforehide, hide, beforerender, render, beforedestroy, destroy (see the Component API docs for complete details). The component is registered in ComponentMgr As such it will always be available via Ext.getCmp. The initComponent method is called This is the most important initialization step for subclasses, as this is a template method intended to be implemented by ea

Get to know Ext JS

Get to know Ext JS Ext JS began as a project to extend the functionality that the YUI Library offered. A key aspect of the YUI Library is the cross-browser support, which you'll also find in Ext JS. This support allows you to build Web applications without worrying about the target browser. Ext JS provides excellent performance. The framework is fully object oriented and extensible. Because it's written in the JavaScript language, Ext JS's features are ready to use after you download and install it. Ext JS browser support The Ext JS framework is supported in all the major Web browsers, including: * Windows® Internet Explorer® version 6 and later. * Mozilla Firefox version 1.5 and later (PC and Macintosh). * Apple Safari version 2 and later. * Opera version 9 and later (PC and Mac). Design patterns and Ext JS Developers should appreciate the well-thought-out design and implementation of Ext JS. Its object-oriented design pa