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Showing posts from October, 2016

How to handle LoadMask effectively?

How to use Ext.LoadMask component for a stateless web application? I found an issue where loadMask z-index DIV element conflicted with modal window object z-index DIV element. loadmask component created for different target views for each screen and hidden but not destroyed. I spend good time to investigate issue in my application code. Version: EXT 4.2.0 Chrome - Browser Issues: var myMask = new Ext.LoadMask(mypanel , {msg:"Loading..."}); myMask.hide(); // Why myMask.hide(); simply destroy LoadMask instance, here DOM still exist in browser with style "visibility: hidden" Like this for more DIV element with this style are added to DOM. To work on my fix, I still see 'x-mask' element exist in dom even when my target view is destroyed. I want to understand difference between Ext.getBody().mask() /unmask() and var maskobj = new Ext.LoadMask({ msg: message, hideMode: 'display', target: targetComponent } );; Example: