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EXTJS4 - Override Ajax Proxy

An Ext 4 project that makes cross-domain requests to a .NET server. One of the restrictions on the app is that it must work with favorite browser – IE 8.
Normally, this isn’t a huge challenge – but in this case, we’re working in a mixed environment – users actually login to a ColdFusion server , however, the webservices supporting our Ext app are running on a subdomain (e.g. in a .NET environment.
Rather than using JSON-P based services, we decided to go with a CORS-based solution. Users receive a domain-cookie from the ColdFusion server, which would be transparently passed to the .NET webserver. The .NET server, in turn, makes a callback to the CF server to validate the session.
By default, Ext 4 will *not* transmit cookies on AJAX requests. The key to solving this particular issue was to override the class and force the withCredentials property to true.
Ext.define('MyApp.override.DataConnection', {
 override: '',
 withCredentials: true
So that worked great in Chrome…and every other browser…except the hellspawn.
It turns out that if you want to make CORS requests from Ext in an IE 8 environment, you’ve got to set the cors=true property on the class. This causes IE 8 to use its XDomainRequest object instead of XMLHttpRequest (like every other non-Microsoft browser) because back in the heady days of IE 8, Microsoft owned the Internet. And everyone else could suck it.
So…back to our DataConnection Override:
Ext.define('MyApp.override.DataConnection', {
 override: '',
 withCredentials: true,
 cors: true
However, IE *still* wasn’t passing the cookie…well, it turns out that IE 8′s XDomainRequest object will not pass cookies under any circumstances because Google Chrome.
SO…ultimately the solution was to override our Ext AJAX proxies to always transmit the cookie over the URL. A ridiculous kludge for a ridiculous browser.
Ext.define('MyApp.override.AjaxProxy', {
    requires: ['Ext.util.Cookies', 'Ext.Ajax'],
    override: '',
    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;
        config = config || {};
        me.extraParams = config.extraParams || {};
        if (Ext.isIE8) {  // Steve Ballmer can bite me
           'JSESSIONID' : Ext.util.Cookies.get('JSESSIONID')
        me.api = Ext.apply({}, config.api || me.api);
        //backwards compatibility, will be deprecated in 5.0
        me.nocache = me.noCache;
As it turns out, the IE 8 debugger doesn’t support showing http traffic. After all, why would a web developer need an http traffic analyzer built into their web browser? That’s just crazy talk.


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